Beater Blade for 5 Quart KitchenAid Bowl-Lift Mixers

New Metro Design KA-5L (239)

The Beater Blade ingeniously improves on the functionality of standard V-shaped beaters offered with high-end stand mixers by crafting a high-quality, enhanced blade that includes a flexible rubber wing down the entire length of both sides of the blade. The durable, food-grade edging simulates the action of a powerful spatula to gently, yet thoroughly scrape the bowl clean. 

green Continuously beats, scrapes, folds and mixes ingredients.
green Virtually eliminates hand-scraping and batter build-up.
green Cuts mixing time by as much as 50%.
green Fits KitchenAid 5-Quart bowl-lift mixers only.
green Dishwasher safe
green Made in the USA

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New Metro Design KA-5L (239)


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